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Student's report #4 @Copenhagen

執筆者の写真: gpu-grsgpu-grs

デンマーク研修学生レポート 第四弾


5回生 後藤早衿

私が本研修に応募したのは、国際学会に参加させていただいた経験があったからです。学会で感じたのは、グローバルな視点で意見交換し得た情報をどのように今後に活かせるか考えることの重要性、そして私の英語の至らなさでした。この経験から、再度このような機会があれば、もっと明確な目標と英語力をもって挑みたいと考えていました。 そこで本研修には以下2つの目標を掲げました。 ① 自分の研究をしっかりと発表し、海外企業の方や研究者と積極的に議論を行うこと。 ② 幅広い目線で創薬、臨床開発研究、それに貢献するレギュラトリーサイエンスの関係性を目で見てしっかりと学んでくること。 この研修プログラムでは沢山のことを学びましたが、印象に残ったことは3つあります。

まず一つ目に、LEO Pharma訪問と精密医療学会で感じたのは、新たな新薬のシーズやバイオマーカーの探索におけるアカデミアと企業の連携の重要性です。製薬企業だけでなく様々な分野の研究が今の製薬業界には求められていること、治療薬だけでなくバイオマーカーの探索にアカデミアの研究は不可欠であることを実感しました。また、これに対して利益の分配や各国の制度の違いが必ず課題として挙げられます。それを乗り越え、より良い連携をするためには、学会などで各国の制度の違いについて異なる背景を持つ人とディスカッションする機会を多く設け、幅広い視野を持ち理解を深めること、特にアカデミアの立場では、実際の現場のデータを学会や論文を通じて積極的に発信していくことが大切だと感じました。利益という点では、LEO Pharmaは「ビジネスではなくサイエンスをしている」というスタンスを持っているというお話がとても印象的で、アカデミアのハブとなるべく無料のシーズ探索を受け付けており、新薬開発への壁を減らす取り組みが行われていることがとても興味深かったです。



この研修を通じて、これからは、自分の研究内容の知識をより確かなものにすることはもちろん、どの領域にも知識を持った人になりたいと強く感じました。将来働くにあたっては、幅広い目線と知識を持って物事を判断し、常に積極性を持ち自分から人に働きかけることができる人材になりたいです。 このように長時間英語に触れ、新しい知識や経験を得られる機会は、今後の学生生活の間で得られないかもしれません。この貴重な機会を与えていただいたことに感謝し、ここで得たことを日々の研究、さらには将来に活かしていけるよう日々努力を続ける所存です。


GRS Study report

Goto Saeri

I applied for this training because I wanted to challenge it with specific aims and to improve my English skills from my experience of international conference. Then I set the following aims for this training.

  • Present my research and discuss actively with foreign employees and researchers.

  • Learn the relationship among drug discovery, clinical development research, and regulatory science with a wide perspective.

I had many valuable experiences through this study program and especially there were three things which I was deeply impressed.

Firstly, when we visited to LEO Pharma and the conference of Precision Medicine, I felt the importance of global collaboration between academia and companies in the search of new drug seeds and biomarkers. Now, researches in various fields are required in the current pharmaceutical industry. I realized that Academia's research is indispensable not only for therapeutic drugs but also for biomarker exploration. Collaboration had become a hot topic during the training. When this topic came out, researchers always said that the subject of collaboration was the distribution of profits and the differences of regulations and systems in each country. In order to have a broad perspective and better collaboration, it is important to deepen your understanding by having many opportunities to discuss with each other about differences of each country at a conference. Especially from the stand point of Academia, I felt it was important to positively present the clinical data and reports to outside by participating conferences and publishing papers. In terms of profit, I was impressed by the LEO Pharma’s free seed exploration strategy and their stance "It is not a business but a science".

Secondly, the discussion at the University of Copenhagen was very interesting. My group focused on the subjective symptoms of patients in evaluating the safety of pharmaceuticals. It was a very meaningful discussion because my research focus is on the subjective symptoms of postoperative nausea and vomiting. We compared Japan with Denmark and the Netherlands and considered how we can approach unification of clinical information. Genes, cultures and nationalities leads to different sensitivity. The results of the research and the frequency of report publishing are also different in each country. So I thought it was difficult but very interesting challenge. I would like to make use of the new perspectives I got here for my future research.

Finally, I realized again that it was important to speak English actively and increase English vocabulary when discussing with foreign researchers. I could not say that I was able to make active discussions well. A very impressive thing was that the students from Copenhagen University and Utrecht University positively discussed their opinions firmly until they completely understood each other. I felt a big difference with my current situation in Japan. Although I could follow the content by listening to the discussion in English, there were many scenes that I could not immediately express in my words what I wanted to say. I felt keenly that my English was not good enough and I should study more. Also, I thought that having the enough knowledge of the area is important for participants besides English skills to discuss. If I had known more about other areas and Regulatory science, I could have got a more meaningful discussion. Although I was ashamed of my poor English skills during training, I really enjoyed conversation when I had dinner with overseas students, and furthermore, in a Q&A session after my presentation I was able to answer questions more firmly than I thought. I got better improvement of English ability than before.

Through this training, I strongly felt that I would like to become a person with knowledge in various areas. When I work in the future, I'd like to be able to take things with a broad perspective and knowledge and to always make a positive influence on others. I really appreciate having this valuable opportunity that was supported by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation. I’m going to make the most of what I learned in this training for daily research and for my future.

Global Regulatory Science

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