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Student's report #1 @Copenhagen

デンマーク研修学生レポート 第一弾




1. LEO Pharma企業訪問

LEO Pharmaの企業訪問を通じて、当該企業の歴史、企業理念、新たな取り組み(Open Innovation Platform, Innovation lab)を知ることができました。特に、特定の疾患領域に特化している中規模の製薬企業が掲げている、その強みを活かした企業戦略には深く感心しました。医薬品のみでなく、疾患啓蒙・検査・診断・治療といった医療全体のサービスを提供するという、製薬企業からヘルスケア企業への変貌は、多くの製薬企業が抱える医薬品開発・販売に大きく依存してしまっているビジネスモデルから脱却するための一つの方法であると思いました。一方でこれは、株式会社ではなく、Foundationが保有しているという当該企業の特徴があるからこそ可能になる戦略であり、ゴールまでの道のりが長いため、営利企業としての短期的な結果や持続可能性には少なからず課題を感じました。

2. International Symposium for Young Researchers in Regulatory Science

3 minutes pitchでは当日の柔軟性、対応力に自分の課題を感じました。聴衆の想定が異なっていたので、内容を変更すべきところ、対応できずやや中途半端なプレゼンになってしまったと反省しています。また、他の参加者の研究発表は、「レギュラトリーサイエンス」という枠の中であっても研究内容が本当に多岐に渡っていました(ただ、参加者の背景からか医薬品の安全性、リスクに関するものが多く、有効性に関する研究が少なかったです)。「レギュラトリーサイエンス」には、明確な定義はなく、むしろ様々な専門的な領域を横断的にまとめるための共通言語のようなものであると改めて感じました。


3. International Conference on Perspectives in Precision Medicine

Precision Medicineに対する、産官学のそれぞれの立場における期待や課題を学ぶことができました。その必要性や可能性が大きい一方で、実医療に反映するまでの多くのハードルを改めて理解することができました。特に、有用なバイオマーカーの開発と検証のためには産官学による連携が不可欠であるが、そこにはまだ大きな溝があることが認識できました。ときに「患者への最良の医療の提供」という大きな共通目的ではなく、それぞれの立場での価値基準が優先されてしまうことによる障壁があると感じました(例:実臨床での汎用化が十分に考えられていない中での新規バイオマーカーの開発)。これには、お互いを知らないことにより、正しいコミュニケーションができていないことも一つの原因であると思いました。そのため、今回のような産官学での連携や人材交流が果たす役割は大きいと思います。また、それぞれの立場を超えた最適な意思決定のために「レギュラトリーサイエンス」が不可欠であることも強く感じました。

Global Regulatory Science Oversea training Report

PhD candidate, Masashi Kikuchi

1. Visit LEO Pharma

Visiting LEO Pharma was great experience to know about their history, mission/vision and new strategies (i.e. Open Innovation Platform and Innovation lab). Especially, I was very impressed about their company strategy, as being mid-size pharmaceutical company, to capitalize their strength in focusing specific therapeutic area. The idea of transfiguring pharmaceutical company into total health care company, providing medical services such as to enlighten/educating the diseases, assessment tool, diagnosing tool, treatment, and etc., was thought to be one way of growing out from the drug oriented business model, which is dependent on drug development and sales. On the other hand, it could be done by unique circumstance of being owned by foundation and not stock holders. As being commercial enterprise, gaining short term revenue and sustainability might become problematic in this strategy.

In addition, I was able to learn about the health care system in Denmark and EU regulation. Studying about different health care system will provide new perspective when considering about our own system. Hence the EU regulation was quite far from me, it was a large profit. Especially I had mistakenly understood about the EU drug approval process and able to correct it.

2. International Symposium for Young Researchers in Regulatory Science

This symposium was main event of this overseas training and it was really exciting and eye opener to my knowledge and skills. First of all, through “3 minutes pitch”, I was able to realize my challenge in instance flexibility and adaptability. The audiences were different from what I had assumed and I should have changed the presentation, which I could not and it became sketchy. The research of other participants was very diverse although it was below the umbrella of “regulatory science” (though it was mostly related to safety and risk assessment and research related to efficacy was few, which might be due to the background of the participants). I was able to re-acknowledge that there is no crystal clear definition of “regulatory science” and it is more like common language to relate various specialized researches.

The workshop with young oversea researchers, with different backgrounds, was truly exciting. The concern that each participant thought was different and I had good challenge of working as a team to tackle the task and providing the outcome, which I had previously done not well.

3. International Conference on Perspectives in Precision Medicine

“Precision Medicine” is one of the hot topics in drug development and it was a good chance to know the expectations and challenges from various viewpoint, academia, government and industry. Although the demand and chance are high, there are many hurdles before it becomes available in general medical practice. Especially, development of novel effective biomarker requires partnership between academia, government and industry, which there seems to be some walls in between. Sometimes, the objectives of individuals overcome the true goal of “providing better treatment to the patient” (e.g. Novel biomarker development without considering it to be included in everyday practice). One of the reasons does not know each other and lack of healthy communication. Therefore, conference like this which includes participants from academia, government and industry, and also people exchange would be solution for better communication. In addition, I strongly felt that advancement in “regulatory science” could take major role in making key decisions.



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