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DIA 2016 in Philadelphia

執筆者の写真: gpu-grsgpu-grs

2 master students in GPU-GRS have presented their research results as a student poster in DIA 2016. They said that they could discuss many things about their research to many audiences. I hope they could find something important and new on their further research, and will improve them in future. I'm very sure it was the great opportunity for them. I'm very proud of them.

But the student poster session was the beginning of the DIA meeting. So they have still plenty of time to learn something new during other sessions. I'm looking forward to hearing from you, guys what the conference is after coming back to Japan....

現在米国フィラデルフィアで開催されているDIA 2016で、GRS寄附講座からM1学生2名がポスター発表をしました。このラボは、「グローバル」と銘打っていますから、「発表したければ海外学会でも構わないゾ」とはっぱを掛けたら、自分たちでアプライして、採択されて、行ってしまいました(笑)。


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